A lovely summer’s day

Not sure what he's trying to tell us

Not sure what he's trying to tell us

Our week off has started off very well with a lovely day in Loughborough at Grannie’s. Grannie and Poppa Tom very kindly invited us to a BBQ, while the weather is still good enough to have one.

Tobin entertained himself in several ways, he kidnapped Daddy’s empty beer bottle, went on the trampoline and in the paddling pool. No wonder he is now fast asleep, Daddy is hoping that he’ll stay in bed in the morning too!

It was really nice to have chance to see Tobin play and to take lots of photo’s of him doing new things and enjoying himself. Hopefully these are the things we will all look back at in years to come and smile, especially the embarrassing nuddy photo’s of him in the paddling pool which I’m sure he’ll thank us for when he’s older. It’s so strange to think that we were over in Loughborough about this time last year having a BBQ while I was heavily pregnant. Its odd because I can’t believe he’s nearly one but it seems like he’s been here for ages.

Let's bounce Daddy!!

Let's bounce Daddy!!

Meanwhile, his eating continues well. He is now having little bits of food at Mummy and Daddy’s meal times so that he feels included and it gets him used to eating with us. He has had some of Daddy’s corned beef cob, we were very brave last night and gave him slices of banana to eat while we had dinner. There was a a lot of banana on the floor but Tobin seemed to have fun!

Auntie Kirsty and Morgan came to see us the other day and we went to our local park and Tobin went on the swings for the first time. They are a success! We’ve been offered a swing and slide for him so we’re going to take up the offer, I can see that Mummy will be outside a lot in the future pushing him on it. We were also luckycousinenough to see one of my oldest friends this week as she’s back from Manchester so Tobin got attention lavished on him, as he always does. I’m not entirely sure where he gets his charm from, it must be me!

Tobin and Morgan on the swings

Tobin and Morgan on the swings

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