De-gothing goes a bit pear shaped

After my last post saying my hair was a nice brown, I post today with quite a bit darker brown hair. When I got up this morning and assessed my hair in the daylight I noticed patches of hair that didn’t have much if any brown dye on them which meant they were still the bleached colour which ranged from blonde to orange. I have so many layers in my hair colour from dying it black for ages and trying to strip it for about four months, I think the lighter brown just struggled to cover them. I had to dash to the shop to buy more dye and I picked up a darker shade and two lots. My hair is so thick that it takes a lot of dye and I wanted to be sure it was all covered so that I don’t have to do anything else to my hair for a while. If I was worried about the shape it was in yesterday, I definitely should be concerned today. After a lot of faffing this morning my hair is a decent colour although Paul has moaned that it looks black again but trust me folks its just dark brown…he knows nothing 🙂

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