New seats and hama beads

It was all go this morning, plenty of cleaning and I finally tackled the other half of the vertical blind cleaning and attached the new cords in between each one to freshen them up a bit. A good thing to do but its really hurt my fingers!

We also swapped Jack’s car seat over today from his starter carrier/seat to the fixed seat in the car and as we have two pushchairs that are suitable for his age I’m trying out the Quinny we have. Its more manoeuvrable than the one I had to use with the travel system so hopefully going into town will be easier, I just wish it had a basket on it, I may find that a deal breaker and go back to my cronky old one. Jack really likes being in a forward facing car seat and enjoyed the little drive we went on earlier.

Tobin and I decided to mess about with some hama beads earlier. I made a Mario from a picture I googled and Tobin made a heart for his Dad. I haven’t done any beading for ages so it was nice to make time to do it and I love crafting with tobes.

I have also now finished the body of the Jelly Bean Monster I’m making. Its bigger than I expected but works up nice and quickly so is ideal for emergency presents 🙂



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